Assessment for self-blame and trauma symptoms during the medical evaluation of suspected sexual abuse
Beyond prevalence: an explanatory approach to reframing child maltreatment in the United Kingdom: the most prevalent form of maltreatment, child neglect, gets the least attention from the public and policymakers
Child maltreatment and marijuana problems in young adults: Examining the role of motives and emotion dysregulation
Corporal punishment and children's externalizing problems: A cross-sectional study of Tanzanian primary school aged children
Corporal punishment in rural Colombian families: Prevalence, family structure and socio-demographic variables
Entryway into the child protection system: The impacts of child maltreatment reporting policies and reporting system structures
How do Australian print media representations of child abuse and neglect inform the public and system reform?: stories place undue emphasis on social control measures and too little emphasis on social care responses
Neighborhood alcohol outlet density and rates of child abuse and neglect: moderating effects of access to substance abuse services
Parental spanking of 1-year-old children and subsequent child protective services involvement
Parents who hit and scream: Interactive effects of verbal and severe physical aggression on clinic-referred adolescents' adjustment
Perceptions of parental substance use disorders in cross-system collaboration among child welfare, alcohol and other drugs, and dependency court organizations
Portrayals of child abuse scandals in the media in Australia and England: impacts on practice, policy, and systems: most media coverage distorts the public understandings of the nature of child maltreatment
Research findings can change attitudes about corporal punishment
The effect of drawing on children's experiences of investigations following alleged child abuse
The impact of childhood abuse on inpatient substance users: Specific links with risky sex, aggression, and emotion dysregulation