Childhood trauma exposure in Iraq and Afghanistan war era veterans: Implications for posttraumatic stress disorder symptoms and adult functional social support
Diagnostic accuracy in child sexual abuse medical evaluation: Role of experience, training, and expert case review
Exploring the role of child sexual abuse and posttraumatic stress disorder symptoms in gay and bisexual men reporting compulsive sexual behavior
Links between alcohol and other drug problems and maltreatment among adolescent girls: Perceived discrimination, ethnic identity, and ethnic orientation as moderators
Parenting stress mediates between maternal maltreatment history and maternal sensitivity in a community sample
Paternal depression and risk for child neglect in father-involved families of young children
Physical and psychological maltreatment in childhood and later health problems in women: An exploratory investigation of the roles of perceived stress and coping strategies
Psychological maltreatment in relation to substance use problem severity among youth
Stress responses and decision making in child protection workers faced with high conflict situations