A psychosocial profile of batterers ordered to treatment by the court
A second look at the correlation between pornography consumption and sexual aggression
Aggression and related behaviors in children coming from disrupted families
Aggressive withdrawn behavior of children in first-grade and social maladjustment at adolescence
An international study of student attitudes about nuclear war
Arousal of angry feelings in different situations and cultures
Attributional antecedents of anger in children
Causes for criminal behavior in adolescence
Clinical-pharmacology of human aggressive behavior
Desensitization to media violence against women: theory and findings
Effects of alcohol on aggression
Ethopharmacological and neuropharmacological analyses of aggressive behavior
Factors mediating the alcohol-aggression relationship
Frustration, aggression and drugs
Individual aggression, national attachment, and the search for peace: psychological perspectives
Infant and maternal movement patterns and the ontogeny of aggression
Level of provocation and sex of target moderate gender differences in aggression
Losing control and life disadvantage: a life-course analysis of explosive children
Magnesium alteration of aggressive behavior and catecholamine drug potency
Management of aggression with steroid antagonists
Offensive and defensive aggression in a longitudinal perspective
Possession of firearms, psychiatric hospitalization and violent criminal behavior
Rape motivation as a function of sexual tension
Serotonin and agonistic behavior: an ethopharmacological approach
Sexual and aggressive motives in rape: stranger versus acquaintance rape
Social skills training in the Cleveland public schools
Sugar, biochemical measures and aggression in children [Conference abstract]
The effects of ethanol on social and aggressive behaviors in seminatural situations