"Youthful epidemic" or diagnostic bias? Differential item functioning of DSM-IV cannabis use criteria in an Australian general population survey
A longitudinal investigation of heavy drinking and physical dating violence in men and women
Curiosity killed the cocktail? Curiosity, sensation seeking, and alcohol-related problems in college women
Forced sexual intercourse, suicidality, and binge drinking among adolescent girls
Measurement invariance of alcohol use motivations in junior military personnel at risk for depression or anxiety
Pre-teen alcohol use initiation and suicide attempts among middle and high school students: Findings from the 2006 Georgia Student Health Survey
Protective strategies: A mediator of risk associated with age of drinking onset
Relationship of high school and college sports participation with alcohol, tobacco, and illicit drug use: A review
The association between earlier age of first drink, disinhibited personality, and externalizing psychopathology in young adults
Validation of the Drinking Context Scale (DCS-9) for use with non-adjudicated first-year college students