Analysis of traffic injury severity: An application of non-parametric classification tree techniques
Assessment of freeway traffic parameters leading to lane-change related collisions
Association between major injuries and seat locations in a motorcoach rollover accident
Association between setting quantified road safety targets and road fatality reduction
Bicycle helmets: Lack of efficacy against brain injury
Characterizing red light runners following implementation of a photo enforcement program
Cross-cultural differences in driving skills: A comparison of six countries
Driver experience and cognitive workload in different traffic environments
Estimation of reduced life expectancy from serious occupational injuries in Taiwan
Factors associated with automobile accidents and survival
Factors influencing the use of booster seats: A state-wide survey of parents
Fragility and crash over-representation among older drivers in Western Australia
Influence of visibility out of the vehicle cabin on lane-change crashes
Preventing cannabis users from driving under the influence of cannabis
Rollover crashes: Predicting serious injury based on occupant, vehicle, and crash characteristics
Self-regulation of driving and its relationship to driving ability among older adults
The effect on teen driving outcomes of the Checkpoints Program in a state-wide trial
The impact of secondary task cognitive processing demand on driving performance
Validating crash locations for quantitative spatial analysis: A GIS-based approach
Work-related ladder fall fractures: Identification and diagnosis validation using narrative text
Young driver accidents in the UK: The influence of age, experience, and time of day