Childhood maltreatment and later stressful life events as predictors of depression: a test of the stress sensitization hypothesis
College students' feelings of campus connectedness, party safety behavior and intervening to prevent sexual assault and intimate partner violence
Community actionists: understanding adult bystanders to sexual and domestic violence prevention in communities
Correlates of victim-perpetrator overlap in sexual aggression among men and women: a conceptual replication and extension
Exploring cross-day associations among intimate partner violence victimization, relationship investment, and perpetration among undergraduate men and women: a daily diary approach
Exposure to violence and nonviolent life stressors and their relations to trauma-related distress and problem behaviors among urban early adolescents
Implications of youths' perceptions of police bias and the code of the street for violent offending
Is dating aggression victimization a risk factor or a consequence of other forms of victimization? A longitudinal assessment with Latino youth
Risk processing and college women's risk for sexual victimization
Ticket inspectors in action: body-worn camera analysis of aggressive and nonaggressive passenger encounters
World assumptions and posttraumatic stress in a treatment-seeking sample of survivors of childhood sexual abuse: A longitudinal study