An investigation of child maltreatment and epigenetic mechanisms of mental and physical health risk
Associations among child abuse, mental health, and epigenetic modifications in the proopiomelanocortin gene (POMC): a study with children in Tanzania
Childhood adversity and epigenetic regulation of glucocorticoid signaling genes: associations in children and adults
Early unpredictability predicts increased adolescent externalizing behaviors and substance use: A life history perspective
Empathy as a "risky strength": a multilevel examination of empathy and risk for internalizing disorders-CORRIGENDUM
Longitudinal phenotypes for alcoholism: heterogeneity of course, early identifiers, and life course correlates
Testing the biological embedding hypothesis: is early life adversity associated with a later proinflammatory phenotype?
The long-term effectiveness of the Family Check-Up on school-age conduct problems: moderation by neighborhood deprivation