Are sex differences in fundamental motor skills uniform throughout the entire preschool period?
Does ethnicity matter in risk and protective factors for suicide attempts and suicide lethality?
Driver behavior profiling: an investigation with different smartphone sensors and machine learning
Google Earth elevation data extraction and accuracy assessment for transportation applications
Media effects on suicide methods: a case study on Hong Kong 1998-2005
Mental ill health in structural pathways to women's experiences of intimate partner violence
Mild Traumatic Brain Injury (mTBI) and chronic cognitive impairment: a scoping review
Prediction of crime occurrence from multi-modal data using deep learning
Radar detection of pedestrian-induced vibrations on Michelangelo's David
Simulated blast overpressure induces specific astrocyte injury in an ex vivo brain slice model
Study of deaths by suicide of homosexual prisoners in Nazi Sachsenhausen concentration camp
Study on lockage safety of LNG-fueled ships based on FSA
The evolution of cost-efficiency in neural networks during recovery from traumatic brain injury