A social identity approach to understanding responses to child sexual abuse allegations
A systematic assessment of smartphone tools for suicide prevention
Bayesian estimation of small effects in exercise and sports science
Decoding the attentional demands of gait through EEG gamma band features
Does the StartReact effect apply to first-trial reactive movements?
Effects of shift work on the postural and psychomotor performance of night workers
Evacuation of pedestrians with two motion modes for panic system
Examining road traffic mortality status in China: a simulation study
Hip fracture in people with erectile dysfunction: a nationwide population-based cohort study
Perceptions of speed and risk: experimental studies of road crossing by older people
Public parks and wellbeing in urban areas of the United States
Relations between nonsuicidal self-injury and suicidal behavior in adolescence: a systematic review
Searching for survivors through random human-body movement outdoors by continuous-wave radar array
Seeing circles and drawing ellipses: when sound biases reproduction of visual motion
Social hostility in soccer and beyond
The role of cognitive factors in predicting balance and fall risk in a neuro-rehabilitation setting
Understanding the dynamics of violent political revolutions in an agent-based framework
Wearable-sensor-based classification models of faller status in older adults