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Cognition, technology and work

Journal Volume: 19
Journal Issue: 4
Journal Year: 2017
Articles in SafetyLit: 15

A deep learning scheme for mental workload classification based on restricted Boltzmann machines

A new approach to analysing human-related accidents by combined use of HFACS and activity theory-based method

Cross-subject mental workload classification using kernel spectral regression and transfer learning techniques

Driver assist system for human-machine interaction

Ecological interface design: supporting fault diagnosis of automated advice in a supervisory air traffic control task

Effects of expertise for automatic train operations

Guest editorial for special issue on modeling and analysis of human-machine systems in transportation

Hate to interrupt you, but… analyzing turn-arounds from a cockpit perspective

How and why do subcontractors experience different safety on high-risk work sites?

How eco-driving training course influences driver behavior and comprehensibility: a driving simulator study

Imbalanced classification of mental workload using a cost-sensitive majority weighted minority oversampling strategy

Multifactor interactions and the air traffic controller: the interaction of situation awareness and workload in association with automation

Seeing the woods for the trees: the problem of information inefficiency and information overload on operator performance

The activation of eco-driving mental models: can text messages prime drivers to use their existing knowledge and skills?

The effectiveness of glare-reducing glasses on simulated nighttime driving performance in younger and older adults