Are structural changes in Polish rural areas fostering leisure-time physical activity?
Association of motorcycle use with risk of overweight in Taiwanese urban adults
Associations between temperature and hospital admissions for subarachnoid hemorrhage in Korea
Demographic and environmental factors associated with mental health: a cross-sectional study
Epidemiology of burns in rural Bangladesh: an update
Harmful use of alcohol: a shadow over sub-Saharan Africa in need of workable solutions
Heat wave vulnerability mapping for India
Pathways to suicide in Australian farmers: a life chart analysis
Pesticide knowledge and safety practices among farm workers in Kuwait: results of a survey
Remote sensing, crowd sensing, and geospatial technologies for public health: an editorial
Slum upgrading and health equity
Smoke-free laws and hazardous drinking: a cross-sectional study among U.S adults
Socio-Economic Position and Suicidal Ideation in Men
U.S. tends of ED visits for pediatric traumatic brain injuries: implications for clinical trials
Work characteristics associated with physical functioning in women