Children's physical activity and depression: a meta-analysis
Clinical considerations related to the behavioral manifestations of child maltreatment
Clues to the opioid crisis in monitoring the future but still looking for solutions
Health risk behaviors with synthetic cannabinoids versus marijuana
Longitudinal predictors of synthetic cannabinoid use in adolescents
Maltreatment risk among children with disabilities
Movement disorder associated with foreign body ingestion
Nursery product-related injuries treated in United States emergency departments
Parent-physician partnership at the edge of viability
Prescription opioid exposures among children and adolescents in the United States: 2000-2015
Reducing head CT use for children with head injuries in a community emergency department
Trends in medical and nonmedical use of prescription opioids among US adolescents: 1976-2015
Unintended consequences of expanded mandatory reporting laws
Use of traumatic brain injury prediction rules with clinical decision support