Alcoholism and drunken driving. Evidence from psychiatric and driver registers
An intensive treatment program for alcoholics and their wives
Cardiac effects of alcohol in alcoholics
Comment on "The alcohologist's addiction"
Drinking practices recorded by a diary method
Effect of an ounce of vodka on alcoholics' desire for alcohol
Effect of ethanol on iron abosrption in the small intestine of rats
Etiological factors in alcoholism. Family and personal characteristics
Factor analysis of the daily clinical course rating scale of the acute alcoholic psychoses
Lyman Beecher and the temperance crusade
Mood changes during three conditions of alcohol intake
Neuropsychological deficits associated with alcoholism. A review and discussion
Observations of tavern patrons before and after the compulsory breath test law in Canada
Self-regulatory behavior in Skid Row alcoholics
The effect of jogging on physical fitness and self-concept in hospitalized alcoholics
Treatment of delirium tremens. A comparative evaluation of four drugs
Urinary excretion of coproporphyrin in alcoholics. Studies on "single-voiding" samples