Alcoholism treatment in private psychiatric hospitals; a national survey
Alcoholism. II. Sex, socioeconomic status and race in two hospitalized samples
Anxiety and the alcoholic; as measured by eye-blink conditioning
Dependency conflict and sex-role identity in drinking delinquents
Effect of alcohol on response latency in object naming
Expectations and socialization experiences related to drinking among U.S. servicemen
Handwriting changes following meprobamate and alcohol. A graphometric-graphological investigation
Incidence of alcoholism in a state mental hospital population
Lipemic effects of intermittent ethanol ingestion in rats
Marital status and multiple psychiatric admissions for alcoholism; a cross-validation
MMPI alcoholism scales. Factor structure and content analysis
Self-acceptance in alcoholics who accept and reject help
Sleep, psychological and clinical changes during alcohol withdrawal in NAD-treated alcoholics
The continuum and specificity of the effects of alcohol on memory. A review
The skid row man and the skid row status community; with perspectives on their future