Cognitive vulnerability to depression, rumination, hopelessness, and suicidal ideation: multiple pathways to self-injurious thinking
Does availability of mental health resources prevent recurrent suicidal behavior? An ecological analysis
Examining the relationship between at-risk gambling and suicidality in a national representative sample of young adults
Grief shortly after suicide and natural death: a comparative study among spouses and first-degree relatives
Social work education in suicide intervention and prevention: an unmet need?
Soluble interleukin 2 receptor levels, temperament and character in formerly depressed suicide attempters compared with normal controls
Sooner versus later: factors associated with temporal sequencing of suicide
Suicide in peacekeepers: risk factors for suicide versus accidental death
Suicide risk among persons with foreign background in Denmark
The social context of adolescent suicide attempts: interactive effects of parent, peer, and school social relations