A new department for injuries and violence prevention at the World Health Organization
Accuracy of external cause of injury codes reported in Washington State hospital discharge records
Barriers to safe hot tap water: results from a national study of New Zealand plumbers
Cost effectiveness analysis of a smoke alarm giveaway program in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
Dog bite and injury prevention--analysis, critical review, and research agenda
Exposure to violence and its relationship to psychopathology in adolescents
Groundless attack on an uncommon man: William Haddon, Jr, MD
Hospitalized fall injuries and race in California
Impact of graduated driver licensing restrictions on crashes involving young drivers in New Zealand
International comparisons: they do help and are essential for avoiding type III error
International comparisons: we need to know a lot more
National attitudes concerning gun carrying in the United States
Non-fatal animal related injuries to youth occurring on farms in the United States, 1998
Predictors of injury from fighting among adolescent males
Safety in numbers? A new dimension to the bicycle helmet controversy
The risk compensation theory and bicycle helmets
The risk compensation theory and bicycle helmets [Letter]
The tooth fairy, Santa Claus, and the hard core drinking driver
Use of Washington State newspapers for submersion injury surveillance
Vehicles reversing or rolling backwards: an underestimated hazard