Child abuse by mothers' boyfriends: why the overrepresentation?
Child maltreatment as a community problem
Childhood trauma and multiple personality disorder: the case of a 9-year-old girl
Childhood Trauma and Multiple Personality Disorder: The Case of a 9-Year-Old Girl
Countertransference in the family therapy of survivors of sexual abuse
Discovering physical abuse: Insights from a follow-up study of delinquents
Ego development in women with histories of sexual abuse
Juror and expert knowledge of child sexual abuse
Medical evaluation referral patterns for sexual abuse victims
Network therapy using videotape disclosures for adult sexual abuse survivors
Parental substance abuse and the nature of child maltreatment
Protecting seriously mistreated children: time delays in a court sample
University-based interdisciplinary training in child abuse and neglect
What happens after the care and protection petition? Reabuse in a court sample
What Happens After the Care and Protection Petition?: Reabuse in a Court Sample