A cost-benefit analysis of legislation for bicycle safety helmets in Israel
Aggression and fighting behavior among African-American adolescents: Individual and family factors
Child and adolescent drownings in Harris County, Texas, 1983 through 1990
Factors associated with the use of violence among urban black adolescents
Factors that influence clinicians' assessment and management of family violence
Firearm-related violence--what we don't know is killing us (editorial)
Head injuries incurred by children and young adults during informal recreation
In-line skating injuries, 1987 through 1992
Occupational injury deaths of 16- and 17-year-olds in the United States
Preventing occupational illness and injury: nurse practitioners as primary care providers
Reducing violence--how do we proceed?
Reflections on a half century of injury control
Risk factors for violent behavior in elementary school boys: Have you hugged your child today?
Suicidal ideation and attempts among chemically dependent adolescents
The effects of recall on estimating annual nonfatal injury rates for children and adolescents
The prevalence and correlates of fear of falling in elderly persons living in the community
The sexual assault of women at work in Washington State, 1980 to 1989
Traumatic child death and documented maltreatment history, Los Angeles