A computerized harm minimization prevention program for alcohol misuse and related harms: Randomized controlled trial
Association of self-reported alcohol use and hospitalization for an alcohol-related cause in Scotland: a record-linkage study of 23,183 individuals
Candidate genes for cannabis use disorders: Findings, challenges and directions
Drug misuse: psychosocial interventions
Fragmented intimacy: addiction in a social world
Having fun and defying adults: speculations on why most young people ignore negative information on the dangers of drinking alcohol
Parental alcohol dependence and the transmission of adolescent behavioral disinhibition: a study of adoptive and non‐adoptive families
Promoting self‐change from addictive behaviors: practical implications for policy, prevention, and treatment
Ten years after the United Nations General Assembly Special Session (UNGASS): assessing drug problems, policies and reform proposals
The familial aggregation of cannabis use disorders
The Mexican migration to the United States and substance use in northern Mexico
Weakening of one more alcohol control pillar: a review of the effects of the alcohol tax cuts in Finland in 2004