A multilevel analysis of factors influencing school bullying in 15-year-old students
A tracer study on child participation in child councillor programmes aimed towards development of the Child Friendly Cities Initiative
Association of in-school and electronic bullying with suicidality and feelings of hopelessness among adolescents in the United States
Father-mother co-involvement in child maltreatment: associations of prior perpetration, parental substance use, parental medical conditions, inadequate housing, and intimate partner violence with different maltreatment types
Fractures in children due to firearm activity
Profiling experiences of bullying in the elementary school: the role of gender
Self-harm behaviors, suicide attempts, and suicidal ideation in a clinical sample of children and adolescents with psychiatric disorders
Sex differences in patterns of childhood traumatic experiences in Chinese rural-to-urban migrant children
Teacher preparedness for medical emergencies in Belgian classrooms: studying objective and subjective first-aid knowledge