A case of near-fatal bradycardia caused by accidental cannabis intoxication
A case report of psychogenic non-epileptic seizures in a 29-year-old male with schizophrenia
A rare presentation of donkey bites involving the cheek and ear: a case report and literature review
Acute kidney injury complicating wasp stings: a report of two cases and literature review
Atypical presentation of carbon monoxide poisoning with aphasia
Injuries common to the brazilian jiu-jitsu practitioner
Injurious fall in an elderly chronic heroin addict during a syncopal episode
Mental health disorders due to disaster exposure: a systematic review and meta-analysis
Multinomial estimations of predictive risk factors for traumatic brain injuries
The role of nephrologists in the management of methanol poisoning
Unintentional drownings in pediatric populations: injury prevention in the post-COVID-19 era