A simplified approach for stability analysis of slopes reinforced with one row of embedded stabilizing piles
A stability assessment of the rockfall problem around the Gökgöl Tunnel (Zonguldak, Turkey)
A study on landslides and subsurface piping, facilitated by dykes, using vertical electrical sounding and δO18 and δH2 stable isotopes
An analytical method for quantifying the correlation among slope failure modes in spatially variable soils
An investigation on the mechanisms of instabilities and safe design of the south slope at a lignite pit (SW Turkey) based on a sensitivity approach
Bayesian-based probabilistic kinematic analysis of discontinuity-controlled rock slope instabilities
Considering seismic coefficient distributions within slopes to calculate landslide reactivation probability
Earthquake-triggered landslides by the 1718 Tongwei earthquake in Gansu Province, northwest China