Abuse during pregnancy: the horror and the hope
Abuse of adolescents: what can we learn from pregnant teen-agers?
Changing women's lives: the primary prevention of violence against women
Developing hospital-based domestic violence programs, protocols, policies, and procedures
Domestic violence: ethical issues in the health care system
Exploration of women's identity: clinical approaches with abused women
Helping battered women take care of their children
Nursing care of African-American battered women: Afrocentric perspectives
Nursing care of low-income battered Hispanic pregnant women
Nursing care of Native American battered women
Nursing care of rural battered women
Nursing interventions for abused women on obstetrical units
Screening for abuse in the clinical setting
Sexual abuse within adult intimate relationships
Violence in transience: nursing care of battered migrant women
What helped most in leaving spouse abuse: implications for interventions
Why battering during pregnancy?
Woman abuse and public policy: potential for nursing action
Woman abuse: educational strategies to change nursing practice