A dynamic traffic signal scheduling system based on improved greedy algorithm
A location discrete choice model of crime: police elasticity and optimal deployment
Causes of death among women of reproductive age during the war in Tigray, Ethiopia
Collaborative optimization model and algorithm for airport capacity and traffic flow allocation
Coordination of gaze and action during high-speed steering and obstacle avoidance
Impact of laws prohibiting domestic violence on wasting in early childhood
Intimate partner violence, suicide and self-harm in Sri Lanka: analysis of national data
Prevalence and associated factors of occupational injuries in an industrial city in Ghana
Prevalence of fatigue and cognitive impairment after traumatic brain injury
Protocol for creating a dataset of U.S. state alcohol-related firearm laws 2000-2022
Strategies to enhance the level of service and safety of rural roads: a case study
Traffic flow detection method based on improved SSD algorithm for intelligent transportation system
Trends in mental health problems among Swedish adolescents: do school-related factors play a role?