An outer approximation method for the road network design problem
Assessing local resilience to typhoon disasters: a case study in Nansha, Guangzhou
Attentional lapses are reduced by repeated stimuli having own-name during a monotonous task
Child injuries in Ethiopia: a review of the current situation with projections
Deblurring traffic sign images based on exemplars
Factors affecting walking ability in female patients with rheumatoid arthritis
Fear of falling in community-dwelling older adults: a cause of falls, a consequence, or both?
Listening to a conversation with aggressive content expands the interpersonal space
Low intensity vibration of ankle muscles improves balance in elderly persons at high risk of falling
Recommended next care following hospital-treated self-harm: patterns and trends over time
Robust vehicle detection in different weather conditions: using MIPM
Social ecological factors and intimate partner violence in pregnancy
Statistical patterns of human mobility in emerging bicycle sharing systems
Thoracic dysfunction in whiplash associated disorders: A systematic review
Variability and validity of intimate partner violence reporting by couples in Tanzania
Wildlife-vehicle collisions in Lanzarote Biosphere Reserve, Canary Islands