Analysis of pedestrians' road crossing behavior, in social groups
Bicyclist and motorist behavior at bike boxes
Developing a data-driven network screening procedure for systemic safety approach
Drivers' dilemma at high-speed unsignalized intersections
Empirical study on the development of driving environments for personal mobility vehicles
Evaluating the potential of crowdsourced data to estimate network-wide bicycle volumes
Exploring neighborhood differences in bicycling accessibility to physical and virtual workplaces
Formation of fear and adaptive behavior in young ethnic minority women riding public transport
Identifying measures of emotional intelligence and dangerous driving
Modified geometric design consistency criteria for two-lane rural highways based on crash severity
New modeling approach for predicting disaggregated time-series traffic crashes
Risky driver identification using beta regression based on naturalistic driving data
Secondary crashes identification and modeling along highways in Utah
Toward automated field ballast condition evaluation: development of a ballast scanning vehicle
Trajectory-based method for dividing lanes of vehicle trajectories collected by roadside LiDAR