Aberrant driving behavior and accident involvement: Morocco case study
Assessment of driver distraction at work zones with portable rumble strip deployments in Texas
Bumpy rides: an extensive accelerometer-based cycling infrastructure survey
Capacity estimation at all-way stop-controlled intersections considering pedestrian crossing effects
Characterization, detection, and segmentation of work-zone scenes from naturalistic driving data
Comparison of speed-density models in the age of connected and automated vehicles
Distracted driving effects on headways at signalized intersections
Evaluation of methods for left-turn gap analysis using high-resolution signal data
Examination of the temporal stability of daily and monthly adjustment factors of bicycle traffic
Examining seat belt use habits in Wyoming: a Bayesian hierarchical logit approach
Extensible co-simulation framework for supporting cooperative driving automation research
Graph supported mode detection within mobile phone data trajectories
Identifying optimal locations for speed enforcement cameras
Innovative individual vehicle record traffic data quality analysis methods
Intention-aware interactive transformer for real-time vehicle trajectory prediction in dense traffic
Methodology for conflating large-scale roadway networks
Multiadaptive spatiotemporal flow graph neural network for traffic speed forecasting
New deep learning-based passenger flow prediction model
Novel optimization approach for camera calibration in traffic scenes
On assignment to classes in latent class logit models
Pedestrians' road crossing behavior at unprotected mid-blocks among adolescents and adults
Predicting traffic performance during a wildfire using machine learning
Roadway vulnerability assessment against hurricanes using satellite images
Safety benefits of automated speed advisory systems at signalized intersections
Understanding perceptions of cycling infrastructure provision and its role in cycling equity
Using machine learning methods for modeling freight train derailment severity
Variable speed limit strategy with dynamic control cycle based on predictive control