A longitudinal assessment of two suicide prevention training programs for the construction industry
Active commuting and depression symptoms in adults: a systematic review
Adolescent profiles according to their beliefs and affinity to sexting. A cluster study
Are adolescent climbers aware of the most common youth climbing injury and safe training practices?
Association between sexual satisfaction and depression and anxiety in adolescents and young adults
Automatic emergency braking (AEB) system impact on fatality and injury reduction in China
Characteristics of victims of fall-related accidents during mountain hiking
Child posture and belt fit in a range of booster configurations
Co-creating a virtual alcohol prevention simulation with young people
Design of a network optimization platform for the multivehicle transportation of hazardous materials
Dog and cat ownership predicts adolescents' mental well-being: a population-based longitudinal study
Gender norms, roles and relations and cannabis-use patterns: a scoping review
Inflammatory biomarkers, microbiome, depression, and executive dysfunction in alcohol users
Optimization on personal fall arrest systems. Experimental dynamic studies on lanyard prototypes
Physical activity in older adults: an investigation in a metropolitan area of southern Italy
Physical and psychological factors affecting falls in older patients with arthritis
Physical-activity-related injuries and risk factors among secondary school students in Hong Kong
Predictors associated with health-related heat risk perception of urban citizens in Germany
Problematic smartphone use and mental health in Chinese adults: a population-based study
Psychological correlates of ghosting and breadcrumbing experiences: a preliminary study among adults
School-based physical activity interventions in children and adolescents: a systematic review
Statistical modeling of the early-stage impact of a new traffic policy in Milan, Italy
Sustainable work performance: the roles of workplace violence and occupational stress
Trends in transportation modes and time among Chinese population from 2002 to 2012