'Getting into the Spirit': Alcohol-Related Interpretation Bias in Heavy-Drinking Students
Alcohol expectancies, alcohol use, and hostility as longitudinal predictors of alcohol-related aggression
Association of solitary binge drinking and suicidal behavior among emerging adult college students
Children's alcohol cognitions prior to drinking onset: Discrepant patterns from implicit and explicit measures
Concurrent drinking and smoking among college students: An event-level analysis
Efficacy of Expectancy Challenge Interventions to Reduce College Student Drinking: A Meta-Analytic Review
Event-level associations between objective and subjective alcohol intoxication and driving after drinking across the college years
Hazardous Alcohol Use and Intimate Partner Violence in the Military: Understanding Protective Factors
Substance Use and Delinquency Among Adolescents With Childhood ADHD: The Protective Role of Parenting
The Assessment of Protective Behavioral Strategies: Comparing Prediction and Factor Structures Across Measures
The Expectancy Challenge Alcohol Literacy Curriculum (ECALC): A Single Session Group Intervention to Reduce Alcohol Use
Transitions in first-year college student drinking behaviors: Does pre-college drinking moderate the effects of parent- and peer-based intervention components?
What do you mean "drunk"? Convergent validation of multiple methods of mapping alcohol expectancy memory networks