A theoretical model of continuity in anxiety and links to academic achievement in disaster-exposed school children
Contextual risk and promotive processes in Puerto Rican youths' internalizing trajectories in Puerto Rico and New York
Deconstructing the externalizing spectrum: Growth patterns of overt aggression, covert aggression, oppositional behavior, impulsivity/inattention, and emotion dysregulation between school entry and early adolescence
Effects of family cohesion and heart rate reactivity on aggressive/rule-breaking behavior and prosocial behavior in adolescence: The Tracking Adolescents' Individual Lives Survey study
Longitudinal relations between sectarian and nonsectarian community violence and child adjustment in Northern Ireland
Prospective developmental subtypes of alcohol dependence from age 18 to 32 years: Implications for nosology, etiology, and intervention
Relational aggression, victimization, and adjustment during middle childhood
Vulnerability to depression: A moderated mediation model of the roles of child maltreatment, peer victimization, and serotonin transporter linked polymorphic region genetic variation among children from low socioeconomic status backgrounds