A review of research into machine stability on slopes
Absenteeism, accidents and risk-taking: A review ten years later
Accident data--the need for a new look at the sort of data that are collected and analysed
Accident prevention by safety engineers within occupational health services in Sweden
Basic concepts of safety engineering
Blasenresonanzexplosion. die entwicklung einer idee
Blast effects from vapour cloud explosions: A decade of progress
Crane accidents and their prevention revisited
Do we really know how well our occupational accident prevention programs work?
Evaluation of the effect of safety regulations. case studies on press and conveyor regulations
Fatal and non-fatal falls -- a review of earlier articles and their developments
Herbert Eisner's contribution to safety in South Africa
Industrial helmet performance in impacts
Influence of initial and explosion-induced turbulence on dust explosions in large vented silo cells
Machinery safety: Progress in the prevention of technological accidents
Major hazards in the chemical industry. part iii. a retrospective view
Marking of personal protective equipment
Methodological and organisational issues
Personal protective equipment (PPE)
Practical application of water barriers for the mitigation of atmospheric releases
Reducing risks by deviation control--a retrospection into a research strategy
Reflections on accident investigation
Review of "an approach to hazard analysis of LNG spills"
Safety science in retrospect a tribute to Herbert S. Eisner
Slipping accidents in Great Britain -- an update
Technological improvement of the production process and accidents: An equivocal relationship