Aggression in a prison setting as a function of lunar phases
Attitudes toward gun control in urban and suburban youth
Birth order and fratricidal behaviour in Canada
Body dissatisfaction and sexual victimization among college women
Comment on "The Positive and Negative Suicide Ideation Scale"
Experience of loss in famous suicides
Helplessness, hopelessness, and haplessness and suicidality
Manic-depressive tendencies and belief in life after death
Memories of sexual abuse: Janet's critique of Freud, a balanced approach
Perceived stress as a function of occupation
Posttraumatic stress disorder in debriefed survivors of a bus accident
Predicting suicide rate among elderly persons in Canadian provinces
Sex differences in adolescent high-risk sexual and drug behaviors
The positive and negative suicide ideation inventory: development and validation
What proportion of newspaper stories about child molestation involves homosexuality