A validity study of the MMPI-TRI Acting-out Scale
An MMPI-2 scale to identify history of sexual abuse
Black riots and black suicide rates
Blood pressure and personality
Comment on "Social psychological variables in populations contrasted by income and suicide rate
Confirmatory research on the assessment of murderers
Denigration of a victim in individual psychotherapy by violent vs seductive child molesters
Domestic integration and suicide rates in the provinces of Canada
Effect of suicide prevention centers in Ireland and Great Britain
Gender and depression in undergraduate populations: a comment
Marriage, remarriage, suicide and homicide in America
Note on an MMPI-2 scale of early sexual abuse
Psychological aspects of political tolerance among adolescents
Psychological precursors of disorders: a thought-provoking observation
Religiosity and psychological disturbance
Short-term response to counseling and case management intervention in a domestic violence shelter