A study of police suicide in New York City, 1934-1939
Accidents, turnover, and use of a preemployment screening inventory
Clinical note on MMPI Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Scale (PK)
Depression, suicidal preoccupation and scores on the Rokeach Value Survey: a correction
Effects of pretrial publicity on male and female jurors and judges in a mock rape trial
Factors related to attribution of blame in father-daughter incest
Hematological changes and severity of aggression in black and white forensic patients
Intelligence and suicide in France: an ecological study
Marital integration, suicide and homicide
Psychological reactance and violence within dating relationships
Scale for the Prediction of Aggression and Dangerousness in Psychotic Patients, an introduction
Sexual abuse prevention programs for preschool children: what do parents prefer?
Social desirability correlates for acceptance of rape myth
The nature of stress in child-abusing families: a factor analytic study
Treatment of an identity-diffused adolescent on an acute inpatient unit
Violations of human rights and personal violence (suicide and homicide)