A subjective index of American social, economic, and political threat, war and personal violence
Age distribution among suicides in nations of the world
Colour and spatial performance
Differences in dynamic visual acuity between athletes and nonathletes
Domestic integration and suicide in England and Wales, 1901-1975
Economic status of African-Americans and suicide rates
Eye colour: an unconsidered variable in cognitive research?
Functional hemispheric asymmetry and belief in ESP: towards a "neuropsychology of belief"
Handedness and accidents with injury
Household structure and suicide in elderly Japanese women
Karate for self-defense: an analysis of Goju-ryu and Kyokushinkai kata
Personal values in sport of visually impaired and sighted wrestlers
Physical exertion and immediate mental performance of sixth-grade children
Reliability of judging genuine and simulated suicide notes
Sheldon's theory of personality in young children
Suicide by drowning and the extent of the nation's coastline
The EEG in the determination of fitness to fly
Visual integration during saccadic and pursuit eye movements: the importance of spatial framework