Alcohol abuse and dependence in a national sample of psychiatric patients
Alcohol use, condom use and partner type among heterosexual adolescents and young adults
Diagnostic concordance of DSM-III, DSM-III-R, DSM-IV and ICD-10 alcohol diagnoses in adolescents
Drinking and DSM-IV alcohol and drug dependence among white and Mexican-American DUI offenders
Gender differences in the control of alcohol-impaired driving in California
Methodologies employed in the Journal of Studies on Alcohol
Reducing harmful alcohol-related behaviors: effective regulatory methods
Role of general and specific competence skills in protecting inner-city adolescents from alcohol use
Types of marijuana users by longitudinal course
Typologies of the cultural position of drinking
Withdrawal and tolerance: prognostic significance in DSM-IV alcohol dependence
Work stressors and alcohol consumption among white-collar workers: a signal detection approach