Adolescent and young women's daily reports of emotional context and episodes of dating violence
Assessing the effects of witnessed parental conflict and guilt on dating violence perpetration among South Korean college students
Assessing the evidence: how systems that address intimate partner violence evaluate the credibility and utility of research findings
Association between husband's alcohol consumption and women's physical violence experience in Nigeria: moderating role of husband's controlling attitudes
Coercive control during pregnancy, birthing and postpartum: women's experiences and perspectives on health practitioners' responses
Does trauma help explain the need for power and control in perpetrators of intimate partner violence?
Domestic abusers: expert triangulators, new victim advocacy models to buffer against it
How experiences of child abuse pediatricians and lessons learned may inform health care providers focused on improving elder abuse geriatrics clinical practice and research
Perceptions of college campus alcohol and sexual violence prevention among students with disabilities: "It was a joke"
Students' perceptions of justice: application of sanctions, guilt, and responsibility in campus sexual assault cases
The effects of intimate partner violence and a history of childhood abuse on mental health and stress during pregnancy
Trait anger moderates the relation between facial affect recognition ability and perpetration of male-to-female physical and psychological intimate partner aggression