A model program for youth suicide prevention
Alcohol and adolescent suicide
An uncommon view about teenage suicide
Gender differences in suicidal behavior and alcohol abuse in adolescents
Hopelessness in Chinese adolescents in Hong Kong: demographic and family correlates
How many pins? A case report of a girl who swallowed more than 50 straight pins in a suicide attempt
Impulsivity in the prediction of suicidal behavior in adolescent populations
Prevention of suicide in an inpatient adolescent unit by environmental safety modification
Psychological effects of bio-terrorism and adolescent suicide
Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors and the risk for suicidality in adolescents: an update
Self complexity of suicidal adolescents
Suicide attempts among adolescents in northeastern Slovenia: a 25 year report
Suicide in early childhood: a brief review
The neurobiology of suicide in adolescents. an emerging field of research
Youths who intentionally practise self-harm. Review of the recent research 2001-2004