Can martial arts falling techniques prevent injuries?
Community based program to improve firearm storage practices in rural Alaska
Design and implementation of injury prevention curricula for elementary schools: lessons learned
Effect of Italy's motorcycle helmet law on traumatic brain injuries
Evaluation of North Carolina child care safety regulations
Farm work practices and farm injuries in Colorado
Further reflections on the seatbelt use and effectiveness issue
Immediate care of school sport injury
Injuries among disabled children: a study from Greece
Lessons for increasing awareness and use of booster seats in a Latino community
Motor vehicle crash fatalities by race/ethnicity in Arizona, 1990-96
New trends in suicide in Japan
Nighttime driving, passenger transport, and injury crash rates of young drivers
Safety in numbers: more walkers and bicyclists, safer walking and bicycling
Traffic calming for the prevention of road traffic injuries: systematic review and meta-analysis
Trends in hospitalization after injury: older women are displacing young men
Trends in serious head injuries among English cyclists and pedestrians