Child Accident Prevention Trust in Northern Ireland
Economic costs of motor vehicle crashes involving teenaged drivers in Kentucky, 1994
Estimation of age specific incidence rates of childhood burns from a prevalence survey of burn scars
Factors affecting the severity of motor vehicle traffic crashes involving young drivers in Ontario
Fatal and non-fatal farm injuries to children and adolescents in the United States, 1990-3
Injury prevention programmes in primary care: a high risk group or a whole population approach?
Introduction to statistics--1. the confidence interval
Medically attended injuries among young children: observations in a suburban area. 1964
Minerva, have you led us astray?
Non-fatal asphyxiation and foreign body ingestion in children 0-14 years
Pediatric injuries in an Arabian Gulf country
Population strategies for prevention? If only it were that simple!
Regionalization and injury prevention and control--a new dynamic or persistent lethargy?