Baseline and pre-operative 1-year mortality risk factors in a cohort of 509 hip fracture patients consecutively admitted to a co-managed orthogeriatric unit (FONDA Cohort)
Child road traffic injury mortality in Victoria, Australia (0-14 years), the need for targeted action
Development and validation of an ICD-10-based disability predictive index for patients admitted to hospitals with trauma
Epidemiology of distal radius fractures in polytrauma patients and the influence of high traumatic energy transfer
Factors influencing survival following hip fracture among octogenarians and nonagenarians in the United States
Fracture-related infection: a consensus on definition from an international expert group
Inequalities in the risk of disability due to traffic injuries in the Spanish adult population, 2009-2010
Submersion injuries in the United States: patients characteristics and predictors of mortality and morbidity
The role of computed tomography scans in diaphyseal femur fractures following gunshot injuries: a survey of orthopaedic traumatologists
Trajectory of physical activity after hip fracture: an analysis of community-dwelling individuals from the English Longitudinal Study of Ageing