A multidimensional model for treatment of child abuse: a framework for cooperation
An evaluation of a support group for parents who have a sexually abused child
Child abuse and neglect in Brazil: after the congress
Child abuse by adolescent caregivers
Determinants of placement for sexually abused children
Differential adult symptomatology associated with three types of child abuse histories
Migrants and maltreatment: comparative evidence from central register data
Mothers with mental retardation who do or do not abuse or neglect their children
Patterns of child sexual abuse knowledge among professionals
Professionals' Atrributions of Censure in Father-Daughter Incest
Professionals' attributions of censure in father-daughter incest
Psychological profile of the female adolescent incest victim
Report decision-making patterns among mandated child abuse reporters
Sexual abuse and exploitation of children and adults with mental retardation and other handicaps
Some factors influencing abusers' justification of their child abuse
Symptom differences in acute and chronic presentation of childhood post-traumatic stress disorder
Victims and perpetrators of sexual abuse: a psychosocial study from France