"Why don't you see what you can do?
A contribution to the concept "the exception" as a developmental phenomenon
Awareness of inner experience: a systems perspective on self-regulatory process in early development
Behavioral medicine and health psychology in a changing world
C. Henry Kempe memorial lecture
Child placement conflicts: new approaches
Developmental origins of moral masochism: a failure-to-thrive toddler's interactions with mother
Festschrift to Brandt F. Steele
Incarcerated mothers' perceptions and interpretations of their fatally maltreated children
Infant abuse and neglect: lessons from the primate laboratory
Is treatment too late: what ten years of evaluative research tell us
Juvenile sex offenders: development and correction
Learning a new language with Brandt Steele
Personality development following sexual abuse
Resilience in child maltreatment victims: a conceptual exploration
Seven deadly sins of childhood: advising parents about difficult developmental phases