Addressing the cultural challenges of firearm restriction in suicide prevention: a test of public health messaging to protect those at risk
Experience of self-harm and its treatment in looked-after young people: an interpretative phenomenological analysis
Gender Differences in Suicidal Behaviors: Mediation Role of Psychological Distress Between Alcohol Abuse/Dependence and Suicidal Behaviors
Investigating the relationship between social and economic policy views, firearm ownership, and death by firearm in a sample of suicide decedents
Non-suicidal self-injury elevates suicide risk among United States Military personnel with lifetime attempted suicide
Non-suicidal self-injury, sexuality concerns, and emotion regulation among sexually diverse adolescents: a multiple mediation analysis
Patterns of non-suicidal self-injury and their relationship with suicide attempts in youth with borderline personality disorder
Public perceptions of self-harm: perceived motivations of (and willingness to help in response to) adolescent self-harm
Suicide risk among holocaust survivors following psychiatric hospitalizations: a historic cohort study
Suicide screening tools for use in adult offenders: a systematic review
The Differentiating Role of State and Trait Hopelessness in Suicidal Ideation and Suicide Attempt
When the pain becomes unbearable: case-control study of mental pain characteristics among medically serious suicide attempters