A multiple drug intoxication involving cyclobenzaprine and ibuprofen
Are retinal hemorrhages found after resuscitation attempts? A study of the eyes of 169 children
Atypical gunshot wound caused by cylinder index error
Death certificates. The need for further guidance
Deaths involving the benzodiazepine flunitrazepam
Drug use among homicide victims. Changing patterns
Fatal case of bamifylline intoxication
Gunshot injuries in Mobile County, Alabama: 1985-1987
Homicidal manual strangulation and multiple stun gun injuries
Infant death due to congenital abnormalities presenting as a homicide
Medicolegal practice in Pakistan. A view from within
The high risk autopsy. Recognition and protection
Unexpectedly homicide. Three intraoral gunshot wounds
Vehicular crashes and alcohol involvement in drivers at fault, and related fatalities