A Comparative, Cross-National Analysis of Partner-Killing by Women in Cohabiting and Marital Relationships in Australia and the United States
A comparative, cross‐national analysis of partner‐killing by women in cohabiting and marital relationships in Australia and the United States
Characteristics of juvenile sex offending against strangers: Findings from a non-clinical study
Indirect aggression in the media: A content analysis of british television programs
Nature, extent, and causes of bullying among personality disordered patients in a high-security hospital
Nature, Extent, and Causes of Bullying Among Personality-Disordered Patients in a High-Secure Hospital
Retrospective accounts of recurrent parental physical abuse as a predictor of adult laboratory-induced aggression
Social disadvantage and neglectful parenting as precursors to the development of antisocial and aggressive child behavior: Testing a theoretical model