Alcohol problems in young adults transitioning from adolescence to adulthood: The association with race and gender
Broad social motives, alcohol use, and related problems: Mechanisms of risk from high school through college
Childhood bullying behaviors at age eight and substance use at age 18 among males. A nationwide prospective study
Drinking motives, protective behavioral strategies, and experienced consequences: Identifying students at risk
Early life exposure to violence and substance misuse in adulthood-The first Brazilian national survey
Parental alcohol use, alcohol-related problems, and alcohol-specific attitudes, alcohol-specific communication, and adolescent excessive alcohol use and alcohol-related problems: An indirect path model
Readiness to change and post-intervention drinking among Hispanic college students living on the US/Mexico border
Ups and downs of alcohol use among first-year college students: Number of drinks, heavy drinking, and stumble and pass out drinking days
Using daily drinking data to characterize the effects of a brief alcohol intervention in an emergency room