Completed suicide in psychiatric inpatients and former inpatients. A comparative study
Early separation and suicidal behaviour in the parental homes of 40 consecutive suicide attempters
Female habitual self-mutilators
Language of publication of journal articles on suicide and mental disorders
Mortality among psychiatric patients--the groups at risk
Mortality in psychiatric inpatients
Personal violence (suicide and homicide) in South Africa
Personality disorder and suicide intent
Recent trends in methods of suicide
Repeat self-harm: an 18-month follow-up
Suicide among soldiers and young men in the Nordic countries 1977-1984
Suicide and attempted suicide in general practice, 1979-1986
Suicide in England and Wales 1946-1985: an age-period-cohort analysis
The dexamethasone suppression test and suicide attempts
The use of motor vehicle exhaust for suicide and the availability of cars