Accident proneness, does it exist? A review and meta-analysis
Bicycle helmets and brain injury
Breathing difficulty and tinnitus among children exposed to airbag deployment
Determining the potential safety benefit of improved lighting in three pedestrian crash scenarios
Effective dialogues in driver education
Errors and violations in relation to motorcyclists' crash risk
Estimating non-fatal road casualties in a large French county, using the capture-recapture method
On the nature of over-dispersion in motor vehicle crash prediction models
Predicting risky and angry driving as a function of gender
Rail safety and rail privatisation in Britain
Risky driving among young Australian drivers: Trends, precursors and correlates
Rough set approach for accident chains exploration
Safety effects of roundabouts in Flanders: Signal type, speed limits and vulnerable road users
Safety implications of providing real-time feedback to distracted drivers
Seat belt use among 13-15 year olds in primary and secondary enforcement law states
Survival of immersions during recreational boating events in Alaska, 1999-2004
The prevalence of, and factors associated with, serious crashes involving a distracting activity
Understanding children's injury-risk behavior: Wearing safety gear can lead to increased risk taking