Differences in the interior design of prisons and persons
If criminal intentions are nonvoluntary, mandatory neurointerventions might be permissible
Intending versus merely foreseeing harm: when does it make a difference?
Is incarceration better than neurointervention? On the intended harms of prison
Mandatory neurointervention: a lesser evil than incarceration?
Mandatory neurointerventions and the risk of racial disparity
Mandatory neurointerventions could enhance the mental integrity of certain criminal offenders
Mental integrity and intentional side effects
Neurointerventions in offenders: ethical considerations
Punishing intentions and neurointerventions
Telling the truth about pain: informed consent and the role of expectation in pain intensity
The negative effects of neurointerventions: confusing constitution and causation
Why i do not agree that neurointervention is less ethical than incarceration